
频道:最新公告 来源:石家庄家教网 点击:223 日期:2022/10/17
【典例】 It was a fine day last Sunday. John went to Tianlong supermarket to do some  (1)   alone. Because it was a little far away from his home, he   (2)   his car there. Soon he got there and found room for his car. He parked his car and went into the  (3)   to buy the things he needed. Twenty minutes later, he finished shopping. He was very happy he could   (4)   shopping in less than half an hour. At last he took the things slowly back to the car park. What a good day he had!
(1)A. 上下寻宝:从下文(倒数第二行)可寻到“宝”:“he could finish shopping in less...”。
B. 判定答案:把“宝”代入句子中,意思完整,故确定答案填shopping。
C. 检查复核:shopping此处是不可数名词,不用+s。
(2)A. 上下寻宝:从下文(本空的后一句)可寻到“宝”:“Soon he got …for his car”。B. 判定答案:经过逻辑推理,只有开车去超市,才要找停车位,故确定答案填drive。C. 检查复核:drive是动词。上半句动词用was为过去时,所以本空也要用过去时“drove”。
(3)A. 上下寻宝:从上文(第一行第二句)可寻到“宝”:“Tianlong supermarket”。B. 判定答案:把“宝”代入句子中,意思完整,故确定答案填supermarket。C. 检查复核:supermarket此处是可数名词,但此处没有复数的概念,不用+s。
【典例】 With the environment becoming worse and worse, more and more people realize the importance of protecting the environment. But there are still some people paying less   (1)   to it. They are still doing something harmful to the environment.Last Sunday I went to the Plant Garden to enjoy   (2)  . When I stepped into the gate of the garden, I felt comfortable at first because I could breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful flowers and trees.
But to my   (3)  , I saw a man lying in a sleep net hanging   (4)   two trees. I thought this kind of behavior would hurt the trees. How could he make money by hurting the trees like this? Without trees, how could we get the fresh air? I don’t know how to express my anger. I think   (5)   is our duty to protect the environment. So something must be done to stop this kind of behavior.
(1)A. 寻找搭配:从空格前后我们可寻到短语搭配:“pay attention to”。B. 判定答案:由搭配可知,此处填attention一词。C. 检查复核:attention代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑,且attention是不可数名词,不用+s。
(2)A. 寻找搭配:从空格前我们可寻到短语搭配:“enjoy oneself”。B. 判定答案:由搭配可知,此处缺了oneself一词。前面是I,所以此处填myself。C. 检查复核:myself代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑,且myself没有词形变化。
【典例】:At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. We call the day “Volunteer Day”. On that day, we often go to the old people’s home (1)help them do the housework. The old people were very happy(2)every year we organize this kind of activities several times.(3) we don’t do much for them, they were thankful to us. They were lonely, they needed people to visit them often and chatted with them. (4)every one can do something for the lonely old people, they will be happier.
(1)A. 分开关系部分或句子:从所填空句子意思,我们可将句子分两部分。第一部分“we often go tothe old people’s home”。第二部分 “help them do the housework”.B. 根据两部分之间关系,判定答案: 两部分之间是并列关系,要填and;或者第二部分 “help themdo the housework”是“we often go to the oldpeople’s home”的目的。要填to。C. 检查复核:and或to代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑。所以此题答案可填and 或to。
(2)A. 分开关系部分或句子:从所填空句子意思,我们可将句子分两部分。第一部分“the old people
were very happy”。第二部分 “every year we organize this kind of activities several times”.根据两部分之间关系,判定答案:老人们很高兴是因为每年我们有好几次组织这样的活动。所以两部分之间是因果关系,此处要填表原因的词because。C. 检查复核:because代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑。所以此题答案可填because。
(3)A. 分开关系部分或句子:从所填空句子意思,我们可将句子分两部分。第一部分“we don’t do much for them”。第二部分 “they were thankful to us”.B. 根据两部分之间关系,判定答案:虽然我们为他们做的不多,但是他们对我们很感激。两部分之间是转折关系,故要填Though. C. 检查复核:Though代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑。所以此题答案可填Though。
(4)A. 分开关系部分或句子:从所填空句子意思,我们可将句子分两部分。第一部分“every one can do something for the lonely old people”。第二部分 “they will be happier”.B. 根据两部分之间关系,判定答案: 如果每个人都能为孤单老人做些事情,他们就会更高兴。所以两部分之间是条件关系,要填If。C. 检查复核:If代入后,意思通顺,符合逻辑。所以此题答案可填If。
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